3.1 Players’ Benches - Each rink shall be provided with seats or benches for the use of players of both teams. The accommodations provided, including benches and doors, MUST be uniform for both teams. Such seats or benches shall have accommodation for at least fourteen (14) persons of each team. The benches shall be placed immediately alongside the ice as near to the center of the rink as possible. Two doors for each bench must be uniform in location and size and as convenient to the dressing rooms as possible. Each players’ bench should be twenty-four feet (24’) in length and when situated in the spectator area, shall be separated from the spectators by a protective glass so as to afford the necessary protection for the players. The players’ benches shall be on the same side of the playing surface opposite the penalty bench and should be separated by a substantial distance, if possible. Each players’ bench shall have two doors which must be uniform in location and size. (“Mirrored image benches”) All doors opening to the playing surface shall be constructed so that they swing inward.
3.2 Penalty Bench - Each rink must be provided with benches or seats to be known as the “PENALTY BENCH.” These benches or seats must be capable of accommodating a total of ten persons including the OffIce Officials. Separate penalty benches shall be provided for each Team and they shall be situated on opposite sides of the Timekeeper’s area, directly across the ice from the players’ benches. The penalty bench(es) must be situated in the neutral zone. Each Penalty Bench shall be protected from the spectator area by means of a glass partition which shall not be less than five feet (5’) above the height of the boards.