Captain and Alternate Captain

6.1 Captain - One Captain shall be appointed by each team, and he alone shall have the privilege of discussing with the Referee any questions relating to interpretation of rules which may arise during the progress of a game. He shall wear the letter “C,” approximately three inches (3’’) in height and in contrasting color, in a conspicuous -position on the front of his sweater. No co-Captains are permitted. Either one Captain and no more than two Alternate Captains, or no Captain and no more than three Alternate Captains are permitted (see 6.2). Only the Captain, when invited to do so by the Referee, shall have the privilege of discussing any point relating to the interpretation of rules. Any Captain, Alternate Captain or any player who comes off the bench and makes any protest or intervention with the officials for any purpose shall be assessed a minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct under Rule 39 – Abuse of Officials. Should this protest continue, he may be assessed a misconduct penalty, and if it further continues, a game misconduct penalty shall be assessed. A complaint about a penalty is NOT a matter “relating to the interpretation of the rules” and a minor penalty shall be imposed against any Captain, Alternate Captain or any other player making such a complaint. The Referee and Official Scorer shall be advised, prior to the start of each game, the name of the Captain and the Alternate Captains of both teams. No playing Coach or playing Manager or goalkeeper shall be permitted to act as Captain or Alternate Captain.

6.2 Alternate Captains – If the Captain is not on the ice, an Alternate Captain on the ice shall be accorded the privileges of the Captain. Alternate Captains shall wear the letter “A” approximately three inches (3’’) in height and in contrasting color, in a conspicuous position on the front of their sweaters. Only when the Captain is not in uniform (or if there is no Captain), the Coach shall have the right to designate three Alternate Captains. This must be done prior to the start of the game.