Illegal Equipment
12.1 Illegal Equipment - All protective equipment, except gloves, headgear and goalkeepers’ leg pads must be worn under the uniform. For violation of this rule, after warning by the Referee, a minor penalty shall be imposed. Players violating this rule shall not be permitted to participate in the game until such equipment has been corrected or removed. 12.2 Gloves - A glove from which all or part of the palm has been removed or cut to permit the use of the bare hand shall be considered illegal equipment and if any player wears such a glove in play, a minor penalty shall be imposed on him. When a complaint is made under this rule, and such complaint is not sustained, a bench minor penalty shall be imposed against the complaining Club for delaying the game. 12.3 Elbow Pads - All elbow pads which do not have a soft protective outer covering of sponge rubber or similar material at least one-half inch (1/2’’) thick shall be considered dangerous equipment. 12.4 Fair Play - These equipment regulations (Section 3) are written in the spirit of “fair play.” If at any time the League feels that this spirit is being abused, the offending equipment will be deemed ineligible for play until a hearing has ruled on its eligibility. 12.5 League Inspections - The Hockey Operations, Officiating and/or Security departments are specifically authorized to make a check of each team’s equipment to ensure the compliance with this rule. They shall report their findings to the Commissioner for his disciplinary action.