Double-minor Penalties

18.1 Double-minor Penalty - For a double-minor penalty, any player, other than a goalkeeper, shall be ruled off the ice for four (4) minutes during which time no substitute shall be permitted. 18.2 Short-handed – see 16.2. When a double-minor penalty has been signaled by the Referee and the non-offending team scores during the delay, one of the minor penalties shall be washed out and the penalized player will serve the remaining two minutes of the double-minor penalty. The penalty will be announced as a double-minor penalty but only two minutes would be shown on the penalty time clock. 18.3 Infractions – Refer to Reference Tables – Table 4 – Summary of Double-minor Penalties (page 139) for a list of infractions that can result in a double-minor penalty being assessed (see specific rule numbers for complete descriptions).